Tooth Extraction

At Vivi Clinic, preserving your dental health is our top priority. We strive to prevent dental problems and maintain the health of your natural teeth. However, there are instances where tooth extraction becomes necessary for long-term oral health.

If a tooth is severely damaged, decayed, or poses a threat to the surrounding teeth, tooth extraction may be recommended. Our experienced dental team will carefully evaluate your situation and recommend tooth extraction only when it is truly the best choice for your smile.

We understand that the thought of tooth extraction can be daunting, but rest assured that at Vivi Clinic, we prioritize your comfort and well-being. Our dental professionals are skilled in performing tooth extractions with utmost care and ensuring a comfortable procedure for our patients.

If you require a tooth extraction in Turkey, we invite you to visit our dental clinic. Our team will provide you with the necessary information, guidance, and support throughout the process. We are here to answer any questions you may have and help you make informed decisions about your dental health.

Contact Vivi Clinic in Antalya today to learn more about tooth extraction and to determine if it is the right solution for your specific dental needs.

When is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

We understand that the decision to remove adult teeth is significant and not taken lightly. At our dental clinic, we prioritize your oral health and consider tooth extraction as the best choice in certain situations.

Accidents or injuries to the face can result in severe dental trauma that may cause irreparable damage to a tooth. If dental restorations cannot salvage the tooth and restore its functionality, extraction and replacement become the most appropriate course of action.

Overcrowding is another common concern that may require tooth extraction. While we explore orthodontic options to address overcrowding, there are cases where removing a tooth is necessary. Teeth that are too large for the mouth can cause crowding that cannot be resolved through orthodontics alone. In such instances, removing the tooth can create the necessary space for successful orthodontic treatment.

Severely infected teeth may also require extraction. When an infection reaches the pulp of a tooth, it can spread to other parts of the body and pose a risk to your overall health. While our preference is to preserve teeth through root canal treatments whenever possible, there are cases of extreme infection where extraction becomes necessary to prevent further complications.

Our dental team will carefully evaluate your specific situation, taking into consideration your oral health, overall well-being, and treatment options. We will discuss the reasons for tooth extraction, provide you with all the necessary information, and ensure your comfort throughout the process.

If you have any concerns or questions about tooth extraction or any other dental procedures, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at our dental practice. We are here to provide you with the best possible care and help you make informed decisions about your oral health.

Tips for Aftercare

The healing process after tooth extraction is indeed generally manageable and typically takes a few days. Here are some helpful tips for aftercare:

  • Use gauze: Bite down gently on a piece of gauze placed over the extraction site to control bleeding and promote the formation of a blood clot. Change the gauze as needed.
  • Apply ice pack: To reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort, apply an ice pack or a cold compress to the outside of your mouth in the area of the extraction site. Use it for 10 minutes on, then 10 minutes off, for the first 24 hours.
  • Avoid using a straw: Refrain from using a straw for at least 24 hours after the extraction. Sucking through a straw can dislodge the blood clot and lead to a dry socket, which can be painful and delay healing.
  • Choose soft foods: On the day of the extraction, stick to a soft food diet to avoid unnecessary strain on the extraction site. Opt for foods such as yogurt, smoothies, soups, mashed potatoes, and scrambled eggs.
  • Resume brushing: Resume brushing your teeth gently the day after the extraction, but be cautious around the extraction site. Avoid brushing directly on the extraction site for a few days to allow for proper healing.

It’s important to follow any additional aftercare instructions provided by our dentist. Attend any follow-up appointments as scheduled to ensure proper healing and address any concerns.

If you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding, or any other complications after the extraction, contact our support team for further guidance and assistance. They will be able to provide you with the necessary support during your recovery period.