Porcelain Veneers

Enhance Your Smile with Dental Veneers
Porcelain dental veneers are thin ceramic laminates that are permanently attached to the front surface of the teeth, giving them a tooth-colored appearance. Typically, just a little amount of the visible tooth structure needs to be prepped. Compared to a crown restoration, a significant amount of tooth hard tissue will be preserved.

Using this advanced technology, Vivi Clinic Dr. Fulya can customize your porcelain veneers to resemble the look and feel of your natural teeth, all while providing you with highly-durable, long-lasting results. This ensures that you receive exceptionally durable and enduring outcomes. With a single visit to our clinic, we can create and ensure the safety of your personalized veneers, allowing you to leave with a fresh and attractive smile within the same week!

If you are interested in porcelain veneers and would like to make an enquiry please contact us today via form below.

Dental veneers provide a solution for concealing large gaps between teeth, correcting misalignments, and addressing differences in tooth length. Veneers are a very effective treatment choice for those who wish to enhance the aesthetic aspect of their teeth by addressing issues such as stains, chipping, gaps, and many other perceived dental imperfections. At Vivi Clinic, we are committed to utilizing state-of-the-art dental technologies in order to ensure that you receive the most pleasing and successful treatment in a safe and fast manner.

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Uniquely designed to match the shape and color of your natural teeth, porcelain dental veneers can be used to conceal a variety of tooth imperfections including:

  • Chips, cracks, and breaks
  • Stains and other discolorations
  • Gaps and alignment issues
  • Worn and disproportionate teeth

This cutting-edge approach to cosmetic dentistry treatment can effectively revitalize your smile by improving both the form and function of your teeth with virtually no discomfort or downtime after treatment. Additionally, veneers are designed to be maintained through routine oral cleaning habits, and they can last for decades!

Porcelain Veneer Procedure

Step 1 – Initial consultation
A consultation with your dentist in which they will assess whether veneers are right for you.

Step 2 – Tooth preparation
Your teeth (or tooth) will be prepared for the veneers to be placed. A thin layer of enamel might need to be removed so that the veneers can be attached.

Step 3 – Shade choice
You and your dentist will choose the shade of your veneers so that they can be as close as possible to your natural teeth color.

Step 4 – Impression
Your dentist will then use a 3D digital scanner to obtain an impression of your mouth and the shape of your teeth. While you wait for your next appointment, temporary veneers may be placed.

Step 5 – Bonding
The last appointment is when your new veneers are finally attached! This is called bonding. Your dentist will use a strong dental glue to secure the veneers permanently

Step 6 – Follow-up
Your dentist will ask you to come on for a follow-up consultation to check your gums and how the veneers are attached.