Nervous Patiens

Sedation Dentistry

Many people deal with a fear of the dentist. Traumatic dental experiences, other medical fears, and more can contribute to dental anxiety.

The worst part is that dental anxiety prevents many people from getting the oral healthcare they need. For some, the only solution seems to be avoiding treatment.

In the end, this only worsens oral health and leads to a worse dental condition that requires more extensive dental care.

Vivi Clinic is here to help all patients get the care they need. We know how common and severe dental anxiety can be. To ensure that everyone can enjoy comfortable, safe treatments, we offer sedation dentistry services at our clinic.

Contact us now using form below to learn more about sedation dentistry and our other dental services.

Sedation Options

Sedation dentistry includes multiple sedation options. We work with each patient to determine the right level of sedation for their dental treatment and needs. Here’s an overview of our sedation options:

IV Sedation

Those who have extreme dental anxiety, or are undergoing more extensive procedures, may be a fit for IV sedation. The IV is placed in the back of the hand or arm delivering medication to the bloodstream. It totally relaxes the patient, and the dental team monitors their vitals the entire way through.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia is a state of unconsciousness produced by an anesthesiologist where the patient does not remember or feel anything during the procedure.  In addition, the patient remains still and does not move. The anesthesiologist must monitor the patient continually and ensure that the patient remains safe until the patient emerges from anesthesia.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry, also known as sleep dentistry, offers several benefits.

  • Help control dental fear
  • Ensure treatment compliance for anxious patients
  • Manage pain and stress during the appointment
  • Multiple options available to meet individual needs
  • By ensuring a better experience, it helps prevent dental anxiety from worsening

Visit us for Sedation Dental Services

Don’t let dental fear hold you back from getting the care you need! Whether you have strong dental anxiety or just have a more intense procedure coming up, sedation dentistry can benefit you. Our knowledgeable team at Vivi Dental Clinic will help you determine the best sedation option for your needs. We’re also happy to answer any questions you may have.