Inlays and Onlays

When damage has occurred and a simple filler cannot repair it, inlays and onlays are used. They fit the inlay or onlay onto the tooth using the preexisting tooth as a guide. This keeps more damage from occurring while strengthening and restoring the tooth’s form. When the tooth’s cusps are intact and the inlay can be positioned directly on the tooth, an inlay is performed. When there is more significant damage, an inlay is employed.

During the process, the tooth’s decaying portion is removed initially. Next, a dental lab receives a mold of the tooth. They craft a restoration out of composite resin, gold, or porcelain. During the two to three week period while the restoration is being made, the tooth will be covered with a temporary inlay or onlay. The inlay or onlay will be inserted into your mouth and cemented in place during your subsequent appointment. There won’t be any noticeable signs of the operation, and your tooth will appear natural..